Jonathan Burton Peters Jr is an American Fantasy author that was born in Mobile Alabama on February 19th 1990. He grew up reading Fantasy books and soon developed a passion for book writing and Fantasy. His first unsuccessful book was Salem And The Sphinx, which ended up being a failure with too many errors and serious errors to fix so he ended up deciding to scrap the entire book and started a new one to replace it. That book would become Salem And The Sphinx War, which ended up being a hit. That book in turn started a series, the Dragon Friends Of Delmore Series. After that he started on the sequel to that book, Book 2, Salem And The Legends Staff and finished it. Positive online reviews are very helpful to starting authors. If you enjoyed "Salem And The Sphinx War," please consider posting a brief review on Amazon and Goodreads. If you didn't like it, well, forget that I mentioned it. Take a look at my Facebook page for future book announcements if you liked my books, and don't forget to click Follow The Author from the book page to receive news of all of my future book releases.