Dr Berend Mets

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Born in Indonesia of Dutch parents, Berend has lived all over the world, before

specializing in Anesthetics in England and South Africa. He has spent most of his adult life in the United States practicing, and teaching Anesthesia while serving as a Professor of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine at Penn State University College of Medicine.

Berend has just completed an MFA in Creative Writing at Carlow University (2023) and is pleased to convey that his debut novel, Immorality Act will soon be published and available on Amazon. Immorality Act is about a multiracial love triangle that falls foul of Apartheid law and is set in Cape Town, in the 1960’s, when love across the colour bar was a criminal offense. Narrated by a dubious police reporter, John Terreblanche, who seeks redemption by writing the novel, it tells the story of a Xhosa Nurse, a Dutch doctor, and a Malay Prostitute, who engage in a passionate love triangle in the shadow of the Sharpeville Massacre, as South Africa lurches to Independence from the United Kingdom. Violent, yet tender, the novel is an indictment of Apartheid’s racism and a celebration of the ungovernability of the human spirit.

Mets is a prolific author of academic texts on Anesthesia, Leadership, Education and Medicine, Dr Mets has authored two books:

“Waking Up Safer? – An Anesthesiologist's Record" is dedicated to teaching the lay public about the wonderful medical discipline of Anesthesiology.

"Leadership in Anaesthesia – Five Pioneers of the Deadly Quest for Surgical Insensibility." Tells the biographies of Drs William Morton, John Snow, Arthur Guedel, Virginia Apgar & Bjorn Ibsen, through the lens of leadership.

See these books and more at Berendmets.com

Follow him on X at @Dr_B_Mets.
