"I admit to being an unusual person." - SS From a comment on his profile pic, since writing one's own bio is so difficult: “Beautiful and astounding. Kind of resembles an amazing character I know. Some call him the Weaver of the Unraveled, the Rekindler of Doused Fires, the Sandman of Endless Beaches, the Friend to the Friendless, the Harmonizer of Unsung Heros. And some even call him Syl.” - Na'Cher From age 10, on the day he literally exploded a light-bulb, Syl Sabastian’s acute life-long love affair with Understanding began. Since then his focus on, and love of Awareness, or more accurately his struggle with non-awareness, has never let-up. An intense reader in his youth, Syl absorbed over a book a day, including the classics read in chronological order, culminating in extensive science-fiction/fantasy/speculative reading. After transitioning to Applying and Living his philosophies, Appropriately, with Attunement the ever-present motivation and catalyst, it all morphed in time to an earnest propensity to write and communicate. Syl and His Heart have owned restaurants, stores, online businesses, and travelled the world, while implementing and enjoying their life-perspectives of which he writes so deeply. As Biella is so fond of saying, "...there's More..." "My life began, from earliest memory, with a peculiar precocious understanding of abstract concepts, a mystery which remains unexplained to any satisfaction. I feel I am traversing a circle back to my origin, except perhaps, now more aware of what I already knew." - From: The Young Man's Story Syl is a great interview and an even better friend. A Philosopher-Writer focusing on the Application of a comprehensive Practical-Personal-Philosophy. Creator of: The Way-of-Impeccability, The Philosophy of Appropriateness and: An A+ Philosophy. Writings range considerably, from extensive psychological perspectives to fiction. All connecting in one way or another to a unique vision. A consistent coherency permeates Syl Sabastian's extensive variety. “Syl Sabastian is a Contemporary Philosopher and Writer, who exercises a glorious intellectual mind that is most admirable for its profundity and sharpness. Often offering multiple sides of an argument, he provokes self-introspection. His aim is to uncover Appropriateness, Awareness, Attention, Application, Attunement, and more, with a unique, high-level understanding of the profound intricacies that interlace these concepts.” - TJT & PDJ, Owners of the Gateway Gazette, Entrepreneurs, Writers, Moms. "My blog is my best bio." -SS :) <3 “You fascinate me, you really do. I think of myself as a big deep thinker... your writing, at least what I think I understand it to be about, sounds like the basis for either a belief-system or a wonderful self-help process. Am I anywhere near the mark? I think your writing, even about yourself, is amazing by the way. Quite poetic.” - Andrew Reeves, Author, Screenwriter, Poet, Creator of The Empty World, The Voodoo Doll, Claire, The Dictionary of Stupid, and more. Find Syl Sabastian on social media: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Instagram Goodreads etc. And www.sylsabastian.blogspot.com www.nobelia.org And don't forget to subscribe. :) :D https://eepurl.com/drie4z Life-Coaching and Personal-Consulting Services offered online via individual sessions and comprehensive sophisticated interactive Life-Change and Self-Change Courses and Programs. “I always enjoy reading what you post. It is usually thought-provoking and unique and sometimes even a perspective that I had never considered.” - Melinda Stump From Facebook: Shawn Boutwell (Author: Mississippi Moon - Sleep Swimming: A Novel) 14 July at 17:52 “I learned so much from a great, and wise writer. Syl Sabastian is the best, and understands so much about life. If any of you have the chance to read this guys writing you will be amazed. He has helped me so much. Syl Sabastian thank you again. You are the best. I look forward to learning so much from you in the future.”