In truth, Helen E. Peters this is a pen name chosen by her on a lark to honor the eponymous protagonist of her first book “Leyna”.
Helen has a Bachelor Degree in Economics, which she put to good use. She loves studying, traveling, and new experiences. She doesn’t like talking about her family, firmly believing that personal life isn’t something to be displayed.
"I am often asked how someone like me got pulled into a life like that. Funny thing is, all I can do in response is shrug. I’ve never had an epiphany and I have no desire to convey my genius ideas about life to my readers, nor do I want to teach people or judge them.
For me, writing proved to be a shockingly positive occupation and the most incredible anti-depressant. I wrote Leyna’s story first and foremost just for myself, to relax and take a break. Working with numbers can be very exhausting, and sometimes you need a distraction. In the past, I coped by meeting friends, reading books, traveling, playing games, going to the theater, and watching movies. Now, I can also add writing my own works to that list (honestly, for quite a while, this new hobby replaced the other activities).
At first, I hesitated whether I should upload my creation online or show it to anyone. I was also afraid of negative reviews. But then, something magical happened: people really really loved it. And as it turns out, writing not just for myself, but also for someone else is a pleasure in itself.
I didn’t even finish my first book halfway when it rose to #1 spot in the Favorites section of a website with an audience of more than half a million readers. Ever since then, it was consistently in top 3, despite the total numbers of works on that platform reaching a million and a half.
Two months after uploading the first chapter, I got offers from multiple publishers. I never expected it. Life truly works in mysterious ways, it seems.
And just eight months after I wrote down a funny dream of mine, my first book went to print"…