I started writing while I was stationed at Ft Bragg NC. I've always been an avid reader and I bought a fantasy adventure (can't even remember the name of it now) but after reading a few chapters thought "I can write better than this!" And I started. Bought a Brother word processor. This was in the early 90's. Who knew computers were actually going to be a thing? I was horrible at it of course, but I kept typing away. The first copy wasn't worth the paper it was printed on. It was rightfully rejected by several publishing houses but I kept at it. It became a passion for me. It consumed all my free time. I was terrified the first time I let someone who wasn't a family member see my work. I begged him to be honest. Not to spare my feelings. If it was trash, tell me it was trash. Surprisingly, he enjoyed it. It have me the courage to actually submit it. Thanks to Kindle free publishing, I don't concern myself with publishing houses anymore. My first goal was to make back the money I spent on the cover art. Now that I've done that, everything else is house money. I'm retired from the military now and have so much free time the ideas abound. I have two complete trilogies and another two in the works, plus a fairy tale written for my grand daughter.