Hussin Alkheder


Hussin Alkheder, a native of Damascus, Syria, first drew breath in the vibrant city. His formative years were spent navigating the winding alleys of Al-Shagoor Street, where he attended the venerable old primary school, imbibing the essence of his cultural heritage. Over the span of twenty-three years, Hussin's roots remained firmly planted in Damascus, forging a deep connection with the city's rich tapestry of traditions and history. However, destiny beckoned him to explore beyond his homeland's borders, and he eventually embarked on a new chapter in his life, finding himself drawn to the bustling cosmopolitan marvel of Dubai. For eight transformative years, Hussin luxuriated in the embrace of Dubai's multicultural milieu, absorbing its myriad influences and forging connections with people from all corners of the globe. Yet, this ceaseless thirst for cultural exploration continued to pull him, propelling him further eastward towards the captivating realm of Shanghai, China. In Shanghai, Hussin delved into the mystique of far eastern cultures, immersing himself in the vibrant urban landscape and unraveling the secrets of this ancient civilization. As he roamed the bustling streets and serene temples, the profound allure of Asia left an indelible mark on his soul. With an enriching array of experiences and a kaleidoscope of cultures etched into his being, Hussin found himself propelled towards a newfound passion—the art of storytelling. His creative spirit culminated in the masterful creation of his debut non-fiction novel, "The Victorious Blood," a literary testament to the triumphs and tribulations of Imam Hussain's journey, painted with vivid strokes of truth and wonder. Thus, the life of Hussin Alkheder traverses continents, cultures, and literary realms, as he pens a literary odyssey destined to captivate the hearts and minds of avid readers across the globe.


