Redpill The World


Hi! I go by Melissa Redpill TheWorld, and I'm glad you're here! You will be too! "End Times and 1000 Years of Peace" will help you to untangle the maze of confusion and fear that has surrounded the book of Revelation. I have enjoyed teaching God's Word to children for 35+ years and I created 900 Scripture songs to help them memorize God's Word. At the beginning of the Great Awakening in October 2016, the mysteries of Revelation started to become clear to me for the first time. Beware, the truth is not at all what we were lead to believe. I hope you enjoy this fresh, new understanding of this complex part of God's Word. I also realized the Minor Prophets were telling us about this great battle between good and evil, and I put those discoveries in "End Times - Major Clues from Minor Prophets." It also dawned on me that most of the ancient Bible stories are a roadmap for this End Times battle and our bright future! That decode is in "End Times - This is Biblical!" We will soon end the evil on the earth, and enter into the Golden Age - the Millennial Kingdom of Christ on earth! I hope you will join our band of Patriots on our social media links on FreedomForce dot LIVE. See you there! Melissa Redpill



