Julie Smith


Julie Smith is the owner and physical therapist of Body Affects. She has been an integrated therapist for over twenty-two years. She is interested in pain mechanisms and reprogramming the body. She specializes in pain relief, helping people work through injuries, pain, and discomfort. She teaches the tools needed to take control of pain or other issues through her hands-on work and her VITAL ME practice. Julie is a board-certified, licensed physiotherapist – educated in the United Kingdom – a licensed kinesiologist – educated in the United States of America – a nationally- and internationally-certified soft tissue therapist/massage therapist – educated in the U.S.A., U.K., and Thailand – and has pursued continuing education in many fields, leading to additional certifications. Julie is a native of Colorado, leaving to obtain her education all over the world. She has now been living and working in Colorado for nine years. Her primary practice location is in the Capital Hill area of Denver. The name of Julie’s business represents her practice philosophy. Julie believes that the body affects everything, and we truly experience the world through our bodies. Julie also has a deep love of elephants and what they represent around the world. Elephants are nature’s change-makers, they are family-oriented, they are reverent, and they have amazing memories. Elephants are also thought to bring good fortune, good luck, and to remove obstacles. Julie believes that her life’s calling and her work are all of these things.


