Jenny is an oil painter, hand lettering artist & author — creating original landscapes & fine art prints out of her studio near Atlanta, Georgia. She graduated from Berry College in 2010 with a Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication and a minor in Psychology. These combinations — her love for creating visual art and a desire to understand others — have defined Jenny’s artistic journey and career. She feels her life was purposed for creating beauty and encouraging others to find peace and rest. But even though she began painting at an early age, it wasn’t until after she started her own hand lettering print shop that Jenny pursued art as a professional career.
Her first book, Hand Lettering God’s Word, was published in 2020 by Harvest House Publishers and encourages others to discover their own creativity learning hand lettering while they meditate on God’s Word. Her paintings dwell in homes internationally, with a majority residing in North America and Europe. When she is not in her studio, she can be found running around outside with her three young kids, planning DIY projects with her husband Drew, or spending time grabbing coffee with friends.
The foundation of the shop really began when Jenny was a teenager, struggling with her own insecurities and fighting off the lies that told her she was not valuable or worthy of love. Like so many of us, she was broken and searching for affirmation everywhere except the one place she could find it — God’s word. Jenny consistently found healing through speaking truth and Scripture over these lies and realizing that through Christ, she is redeemed and worthy. We are created with a purpose and Jenny quickly realized that she wanted others to experience the redeeming love that is found through the truth of God’s word, but had no idea how to do that.
Fast forward a few years to 2012 - Jenny and Drew were newly wed and Jenny found herself creating artwork for their small apartment. Other people would come over and leave asking her to create something for their home as well. It wasn't until a friend came up to her and said she had hung one of the prints next to her mirror and it had made a huge impact towards her speaking the truth that God loves her and she was made for a purpose over herself every day that Jenny realized the connection between her love for creating art and the passion she had for others to know their value and worth. Her prints were encouraging others to be reminded of their worth in God and to see beauty in difficult situations. Shortly after that, Jenny opened a small online shop selling prints which has evolved and grown over time into what you see now.
Jenny believes that we were made to revere and be in awe of someone infinity more interesting than ourselves. Her paintings and artwork are a response to her awe of God and His creation and she hopes that they remind you also to be awestruck by a God who made a good creation. “For who in the skies can compare with the LORD? Who among the heavenly beings is like the LORD? In the council of the holy ones, God is greatly feared, and awesome above all who surround Him.” (Psalm 89:6-7)