LeAnn Sims Gregory


After 2 decades of mentoring college students with the campus ministry of CRU, LeAnn saw the need to help younger students prepare for life after high school graduation. In 2016 she wrote a curriculum to address many of the issues she had observed while working on college campuses; delayed graduation, lack of career direction, and the accumulation of paralyzing student debt. While teaching the "5 Major Steps" curriculum in live seminars and online she became interested in how gap year programs could also help students mature in significant ways before entering college. Having worked in Christian ministry for 25 years, she was particularly interested in a new generation of faith-based programs. In 2017 her oldest daughter participated in The World Race gap year through Adventures in Missions and in 2018 she helped launch the first CRU gap year program. In 2019 her son was selected to be a fellow in the Impact 360 program and her youngest already has a gap year in her plans for 2022. LeAnn and her family love to travel, having lived in Europe for 12 years. Between the 5 of them they have visited every continent and over 25 countries. Their favorite will always be Croatia.


