Mometrix Test Prep

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At Mometrix, we think differently about tests. We believe you can perform better on your exam by implementing a few critical strategies and focusing your study time on what’s most important. With so many demands on your time, you probably don’t have months to spend preparing for an exam that holds the key to your future. Our team of testing experts devote hours upon hours to painstakingly review piles of content and boil it all down to the critical concepts that are most likely to be on your exam.

Mometrix started in 2002 with a simple vision to help test-takers cut through all of the fluff and distractions in order to get to the heart of exactly what it takes to succeed on the exam. We watched helplessly as too many of our well qualified friends and relatives struggled to get into the school of their choice or earn the certification necessary to get or keep a job simply because they didn't test well. We decided there must be a better way to prepare and are on a mission to give test-takers exactly what they need in order to maximize their potential. Our goal is for our study materials, coupled with diligent effort, to empower a test-taker to attain the highest score within their ability to achieve. We help people achieve their dreams by helping them overcome the testing hurdles necessary for them to get where they want to be.

Mometrix Test Preparation is a privately owned company based in the southeast Texas metropolitan area. An A+ member of the BBB since 2003, we research, develop, produce and retail our test preparation products to test-takers all over the world. Our products are developed by experts in each test's field of study to ensure the highest quality, most relevant content possible. We take very seriously that our customers trust us to give them the information they need in order to perform well on the exam and select only the highest qualified writers using a rigorous application process.

Mometrix also has the largest catalog of any test preparation publisher, now offering over 3,500 products covering over 1,500 different standardized exams. Keeping up with the constant changes in the many different exam markets we cover, our product development team averages more than 100 product updates each week. Mometrix study materials comprise a collection of over 174 million words, larger than the entire print history of TIME Magazine.

Simply put, if you want to spend your study time on the information most likely to help you perform well on the exam, you've come to the right place.
