Carlo Di Carlo

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Carlo Di Carlo acquired both a Masters and Bachelors degree in Statistics. He has 10 years teaching experience as a Lecturer in Statistics at both the University and Community College level. Carlo has also worked for financial and internet companies as a Statistical Analyst. He is fascinated by numbers and enjoys reading math and statistics books full of equations more than books full of words! Creating equations that evaluate everyday phenomena and explaining the meaning behind those equations are exciting endeavors for him!

Many topics in Statistics including Probability, Regression, Data Modeling, Binomial, and Normal distributions pique his interest. He also finds gambling, casino games like Roulette and Keno, card games, the statistical equations behind the Powerball Lottery and different and unique applications of probability to be fascinating! He enjoys reading books on the history of mathematics, the art of mathematics (such as through the golden ratio or Fibonacci sequence), and other unique books on mathematics. Carlo has a plethora of interests revolving around math and statistics!
