Rhonda Wagner


Rhonda's passion for foster care began when her daughter and son-in-law became foster parents nearly ten years ago, She searched for children's books to enlighten her granddaughter, Avery, as to what a foster family might look like. But, she found no books geared toward biological children in a foster family. So, her dream to write and fill a need was born! It's Okay to Wonder is the first book in this faith-based series. Avery and her grandparents are curious about foster care and want to understand how their lives are going to change. Conversation starters along with a word glossary are included in the back of each book. Braver Than Me, the second book in The Joy of Avery series, begins with "The Call" that makes Avery's family a foster family. Experience new feelings alongside Avery as she bravely loves her foster brother (knowing she will be faced with a hard goodbye when he is able to return home.) Love, bravery and empathy fill its pages. In the third book, Say YES Again, Avery learns about kinship placement, respite care and what it means “to walk in the shoes of another.” Beyond love and empathy in this book, Avery learns compassion for others during her time as a foster sibling to two new placements. The final book in the series, The Best Answer, is available for presale before releasing in January 2025. As a sibling to children in foster care, Avery has previously experienced case outcomes of reunification and kinship placement so she knows what a hard goodbye feels like. But in this book, Avery’s family adopts a child. She becomes a Big Sister forever and learns the overwhelming love and joy in that! Rhonda hopes the series proves to be a valuable tool for foster families and their children!


