Thomas Tacker


You might have guessed--the beautiful girls pictured are my granddaughters. The marketing experts say all the pictures on this page should be professional ones of me, but I have only one of those, whereas I have about five billion of my grandkids. (If we meet sometime I can show you the rest!) Besides, I’m pretty sure that grandchildren this cute will help in marketing! In addition to being a certified doting grandfather, I’m an economics professor at Embry-Riddle University in Florida. My new book, "Overcoming: The Inspiring Story of America’s Freed Slaves, Our Other Greatest Generation," is availible. I was recently interviewed about the book on the Marc Bernier Show, availible at I had intended to write a more general “Economics of Discrimination” type of book with a short section on the freed slaves, but in researching these remarkable, newly free people it was almost as if they came to life and thoroughly convinced me their story merited full attention. The book is a mixture of history, economics, and uplifting biography. The newly freed came out of slavery with virtually nothing, illiterate and generally unskilled, in an often hostile world. Not all of them succeeded, some were too scarred and traumatized by what they had endured. But the great majority somehow got past all of that. They established a “people of the book” culture virtually overnight and achieved majority literacy in a generation. They built marriages that lasted, that were actually slightly more stable than those of white couples. With a relentless work ethic, they increased their income at a rate about one third faster than white workers. They were arguably the most optimistic, the most forgiving, the most faithful people of all time. Their suffering was great but in the end they met every challenge with a determined, unstoppable heroism. I hope and believe you will find their amazing story as captivating and encouraging as I do.


