"Why? I wouldn't do that, I would..." said the student. As a former middle school teacher, I constantly saw the power of the intentional novel awaken adolescents' interest in history and reading, moving from a snore to inquisitive engagement. A good novel mixes in much truth with fiction, the life lessons, the just and unjust, in a manner that draws the young adults into the story. I started to get ideas about writing a novel to inspire integrity, as well as providing a means to develop a deeper understanding of history. People and their experiences win over the factoid fill in the blanks then take a test class. Ho-hum, when does the bell ring? Yet understanding the decisions that people made hugely impacts the squiggly line of a sometimes very messy history. What if...? These are the lessons students remember and take with them beyond the school walls. Noting two specific books really made a difference in those young lives, I thought of a few of my own history heroes and decided to write a novel that has built-in life lessons and enhances curiosity for students. The result is "He Said He Would..." Companion Guide:https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn%3Aaaid%3Ascds%3AUS%3A9051a982-59ea-4694-bc09-46dce99fa13f