About the Author Claudia Kaiser lives with her husband and dogs Danny (2 years old) and Daika (8 years old), in an old farmhouse in beautiful Rhineland, Germany. At first only as a dog owner, but later and after 20 years actively training dogs, she has gained a lot of experience, helping other people to train their dogs. She formed the idea of writing this book in order to reach more people, than she could have in the local dog training schools and the small circle of dog owners to whom she gave personal coaching. The publishing of this guide book is the fruit of considerable research, writing and editing. It is designed to be a guide for all budding dog owners, to help them get the difficult task of training right the first time, and to avoid those mistakes, which Claudia herself made at the beginning. She worked through her own bad experiences over the years, so that the reader does not have to. Those who follow the tips and tricks covered in this guidebook are sure to have many years of pleasure from these unusual and wonderful companions. Author Claudia Kaiser says about volume one of her dog training books: “It was my desire to let other dog owners profit from the knowledge I have gained over many years, and after making many mistakes. I love my dog and know how important it is to adapt the training to suit each breed. It is exactly this desire that prompted me to write this book. My aim is to help every beginner, not only to understand his dog better, but also to know exactly how to get the best results, step-by-step, so that you can achieve a close, positive and trusting human-dog relationship.” The author Claudia Kaiser says about volume two of her dog training books: "I love my dog and know how important it is to keep her occupied, even after she completed her basic training. Most dogs are not satisfied with their life as a family dog and can develop destructive characteristics. If owners would take the time to spend a few minutes every day, carrying out physical and mental training with their dogs, their situations would change dramatically. Many underestimate the potential of dog training and how it can positively change life with their dogs." The author Claudia Kaiser says about volume three of her dog training books: "I love my dogs and know what is important to watch out for regarding their nutrition and general care. Many owners underestimate how important it is to find out more about what you are feeding your dog. Many owners also underestimate the time it takes to care for his physical wellness and how important it is to recognise disease or parasites early. These things add enormously to the quality of life and happiness of your dog.”