Here at Ascencia Test Prep, we believe that all health care professionals deserve access to high-quality, reliable resources to help them grow in their fields. As part of their jobs, medical workers are confronted with a battery of tests—they may take exams to get into school, to attain licensure, or to advance with a professional certification. We are here for you on each step of this journey.
Ascencia’s test prep materials are developed by credentialed industry professionals with years of experience in their fields. Every study guide includes a comprehensive overview of the relevant content knowledge along with practice questions throughout the text to help build comprehension. Full practice tests at the end of every guide accurately reflect the exam and help test takers ensure they are thoroughly prepared. Additionally, all Ascencia study materials offer exclusive tips from health care professionals to help readers prepare for test day.
Ascencia recognizes that health care professionals heal bodies, nurture spirits, and save lives. Our goal is to take care of you and help you grow into the job you want.