Well, hello there! Thanks for visiting my author page. I'm Mr. Jay, and I have the best career on the planet - I get to spend my days creating amazing characters and writing stories about them that, for reasons I can't possibly imagine, people seem to like. So far, I've written books like "Ricky, the Rock that Couldn't Roll," "Tess, the Tin that Wanted to Rock," "Do Pebbles Eat Chili?", "The Masterpiece," "The Bear and the Fern," and a few books that will be coming out soon, such as "Patrick Picklebottom and the Penny Book," "Tyrannosaurus Hex," and others. But the best part is that in between all of my writing, I get to travel around the country visiting school and meeting the most amazingly awesome kids ever. I read my books and then we discuss what they're about, and I always love hearing how kids interpret the stories that I write and discussing it with them. I live in New Jersey (yes, by choice), and I have a wife, Amanda, who helps me improve all of my books as I write them, and a daughter named Bria who is the inspiration for many of the stories that I come up with. I also love hearing from teachers and parents and kids, so please feel free to contact me at jmiletsky@newpaigepress.com.