Lam Thuy Vo is a senior data reporter at BuzzFeed News where her area of expertise is the intersection of technology and society and social media data and where she's covered the spread of misinformation, hatred online, and platforms-related accountability. For her work, Vo has gathered, analyzed and visualized social data to tell a myriad of stories. To document the segregation of information universes, analyzed and illustrated the differences of the Facebook newsfeeds of a conservative mother and liberal daughter. She has compiled and examined social media posts from policymakers in Myanmar to track and show how they were spreading hatred against Muslims online. And she has garnered gigabytes worth of visual and textual information from around the social web to explore how political fandom and anti-fandom is redefining people’s relationships to elected officials. Previously, she's led teams and reported for The Wall Street Journal, Al Jazeera America and NPR's Planet Money and told economic stories across the U.S. and throughout Asia through articles, videos and graphics. She has also worked as an educator for a decade, developing newsroom-wide training programs, workshops for journalists around the world, and semester-long courses for the Craig Newmark CUNY Graduate School of Journalism; and she's given talks and spoken on stage for Pop-Up Magazine, the Tribeca Film Festival’s Interactive Day, TedxNYC among other larger events.