Barba Covington McCarty

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Barba Covington McCarty grew up in the Prairies and Lakes Region of Texas without privilege. In fact, she grew up less than poor but back then children did not know how poor they were until they grew up and figured it out.

Her parents had four children, thought they were finished, and then surprise, Barba was born. Her parents liked her so well; they had a baby sister for her to grow up with just fifteen months later.

She had a unique place in the family, as one of the babies to the older siblings and the big sister to the baby of the family.

When her mother died, Barba was twelve years old, that baby/big sister tag became a tough place to be. She has vivid memories of her mother’s strong values and teachings.

Twenty–seven years ago while recovering for over eighteen months, from a broken neck sustained in a car accident with a horse, Barba wrote a book. Following that accident, she had what she calls her Double Decades Plus of Drama, which included several severe health issues and a long and bitter divorce.

She considers herself a boxcar full of miracles. After recovering from receiving a lifesaving liver transplant, a stroke and a non-malignant brain tumor she was too busy with catching up with life and living to stay home and finish the book she wrote.

This is the book she wrote in 1993-1994. It took twenty-six years but she finally got back to it.

She married young, was unable to have children and that ex-husband would not adopt. She is now more healthy than not, is happily divorced and retired. She enjoys writing, photography, ancestry, road trips and is a master at general piddling.

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Please follow my Author’s page on Amazon, where I will announce any future releases and a new story about Callie’s life.
