Author: BEKA is an actor/singer/photographer born in Iowa and now resides in Chicago, IL. The past 10 years she has been successfully ensconced in the Indie Film world both as an actor and producer. Her produced film short SOMETHING ABOUT HENRY won her 2 Best Actor awards on the Film Festival Circuit. Photographing fellow entertainers and any type of scenery is what she does most behind the lens. As for penning ink to paper....she’s always dabbled in it…but KISS OF DEATH DITTIES is her first published book. Be prepared -- more luscious evil will be surfacing in a Sequel or two...or three...or...... Artist: Valerie Façhman (A.K.A. Valenka), born in Iowa, won a national art contest at age 8, later minoring in Fine Arts at Drake University. Val lived & worked 15 years in Chicago as actor/singer/writer and art model, also designing & executing a mural at the private school where she taught. As costumer & prop designer with Performers Under Stress theatre in San Francisco, Val's rendered a few set backdrops & portraits (especially of Elvis). She recently began volunteering with Precita Eyes, painting outdoor murals in the City. This marks the first publishing of her artwork; if her architect father were here he'd be proud.