Linda D Moore


If you are anything like Linda D Moore, you have stood in front of the self-help section at Barnes and Noble scanning book titles, attended twelve-step meetings, weekend seminars, offsite retreats, numerous workshops, private counseling, group therapy, personal development trainings, spent thousands of dollars on coaching with some of the biggest names in the industry, observed from the sidelines, watching others, and contemplating life from a distance. Unabashedly Christian now, Linda lived without Christ until she was fifty-two, so she knows both sides. At seventy-one, while writing her story, unexpected miracles and blessings propelled her into going to work for God full time. This is Linda's journey to becoming fully authentic and transparent, available and approachable, to stand before audiences and write publicly, to allow you to know who she is and for whom she lives. In this breakthrough ministry of guiding women through the process of writing their story, Linda reaches out to Christian women who are wondering how to make their mark for Christ, love their life, and live their God-given dreams that have been sitting on the back shelf for years. It was during the time she was writing her first book that she discovered her grandmother and mother both had unfulfilled dreams. To stave off this heartbreaking legacy, Linda teaches how to step into the plans the Lord has made for us, thus giving our children and grandchildren a better story than ours. She holds an associates degree from the International School of Ministry, is a long-standing member of the Northwest Christian Writers Association, and is writing two more books coming out in 2025. Linda and her husband live in Richland WA. They have one daughter and two grandchildren.


