Lili Chin


Lili Chin is an illustrator whose dog and cat behavior illustrations have been used by compassionate animal trainers, behaviorists, educators, and welfare advocates around the world, including in a World Health Organization dog bite prevention campaign. A partial list of organizations that have used her art include Fear Free Pets, RSPCA, International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants, American Animal Hospital Association, and International Cat Care. Her first book, "Doggie Language" (Summersdale, Hachette) is a bestseller that has been translated to multiple languages. She is also the illustrator of "What's Up, Pup?" (FSG, Macmillan) for young readers. Her next book, "Kitty Language" (Ten Speed Press, Penguin Random House) will be published in Summer 2023. Lili currently lives in Los Angeles with a writer-partner and two ridiculously cute rescue cats.



