Antoni Dol


An­toni Dol was born in 1963. He grad­u­ated in il­lus­tra­tion at the Ger­rit Ri­etveld Arts Acad­emy in Am­s­ter­dam, stud­ied ad­ver­tis­ing at the Rot­ter­dam Art Acad­emy and was a free­lance il­lus­tra­tor for three years. From 1995 on, he grew from a graphic de­signer to a web de­signer and to an in­ter­ac­tion de­signer along with the in­ter­net. From 1996 to 2016 he worked in IT for na­tional and in­ter­na­tional Dutch com­pa­nies. An­toni wrote ar­ti­cles and col­umns for in­ter­nal and ex­ter­nal pub­li­ca­tions and for mag­a­zines about web de­sign. He self-pub­lished his blog-ar­ti­cles in the book ‘The User | Pro­gram­mer In­ter­face’. In 2008, An­toni wrote the 'XAML Hand­book', a ref­er­ence book for de­sign­ers about the graphic pos­si­bil­i­ties of the eX­ten­si­ble Ap­pli­ca­tion Markup Lan­guage. Van­Du­uren Me­dia pub­lished the 'Sil­verlight Hand­book' in Au­gust 2009 . In April 2010, the In­ter­ac­tion De­sign Hand­book fol­lowed, aimed at stu­dents, con­tain­ing a broad base of knowl­edge for fu­ture in­ter­ac­tion de­sign­ers. In Oc­to­ber and De­cem­ber 2017, Van­Du­uren Me­dia pub­lished 'Pro­to­typ­ing with on­line tools' and 'On­line style guides with Fron­tify', re­spec­tively. An­toni Dol has been writ­ing Sci­ence Fic­tion since 2017 in the form of short sto­ries and nov­els. In the sci­ence fic­tion genre, he writes sto­ries in the near fu­ture and on Earth, in which sur­pris­ing or fail­ing tech­nol­ogy af­fects peo­ple and so­ci­ety. He also writes sto­ries set in a fu­ture so­ci­ety with sug­ges­tions for so­lu­tions to fu­ture prob­lems. This lead to the self-pub­lish­ing of ‘The Gravity Problem’ at the end of 2019, an an­thol­ogy of his ear­lier sto­ries. ‘AU­TONOMOUS’, pub­lished in Au­gust 2020 and translate in 2024, was his first novel, telling the story of a pro­gram­mer tasked to de­ci­pher alien soft­ware.



