MaryKay Carr


About me...well I am 65 years old. I live in Florida. I am as active as any 40 year old. Suddenly I was hit with the dreaded Menieres Disease. I had never heard of it before. No doctor could tell me how to fix it or the cause. I lost my ability to drive, live alone and run my business consulting business. Within 3 months of research I had discovered the cause of Menieres Disease and the treatment, had started myself on the treatment and fully recovered. I ride bikes, ski, swim, run my business and live alone in my own home and have hundreds of friends. Why did I write this book? It was a moral obligation actually. There are 13,000,000 people in the USA and UK who suffer from this life killing disease. Here is sit with the answer and why would I not tell the world in a day when anyone with a positive, helpful message can publish that message so others that are searching can find it. So...the purpose of this book is to offer information about a natural and effective way to completely eliminate the devastating symptoms of Meniere’s disease: Dizziness, nausea, vomiting, sudden hearing loss, ringing in the ear, uncontrolled eye movements, diarrhea, cold sweats, mind fog, and a feeling of extreme fatigue with out harmful drugs. For the 13 million unfortunate people in the world that been diagnosed with Meniere’s disease, the future often looks dim. We’re told that there is neither a known cause nor a cure for the disease. Doctors tell us we have to learn to adjust our lives to learn to live with these horrific symptoms. A low salt diet and diuretics are usually prescribed. If these don’t work people have become so desparate that they agree at great expense, to have their entire inner ear surgically removed in an effort to bring relief and balance back to their lives. The only trouble is, the underlying reason why the trouble started in the first place is still not discovered nor addressed so the disease can spread to the other ear. What makes the symptoms horrific is that an attack can occur anytime, anyplace. To have to learn to live with an attack that causes an otherwise perfectly normal, productive person to suddenly not be able to walk, stand up, turn their head, move their eyes, be in bright light, have to vomit over and over, have diarrhea even if there is not a bathroom nearby, to break out in cold sweats and turn pale as a sheet…is shocking and scary, not only to the victim… but also to everyone witnessing it. This is not really living at all. These people are disheartened, broken, living in fear and ignorance of what is causing their attacks. Many have to leave their jobs and careers and lose driving and travel privileges. Indeed it can mean the start of having to be dependent on others for basic needs. A person who has Meniere’s disease looks and acts quite normal. That’s because they are normal. The liability is that anytime, anywhere they can suddenly have an attack that is so vicious they are left helpless on the ground unable to walk, open their eyes or even stand up! That is the subject of this book. The good news is that medical researchers have discovered what is causing Meniere’s symptoms! That is a huge breakthrough in itself. However this book goes one step further and introduces the natural, effective and inexpensive back-engineered solution that stops the cause of Meniere’s attacks in its tracks. So you never have to have another attack again. In fact, hearing loss, caused by the damage of Meniere’s disease, has been found to be reversible in most cases if caught in time. That’s why the name of this book is Stop Meniere’s Attacks. I hope you and/or people you care about benefit from the research and discovery of what causes this Meniere’s monster and the solution to stopping Meniere’s attacks forever. The Author -Dec 2016 MaryKay Carr


