Galen Clavio, PhD, is widely regarded as one of the brightest minds in social media in sports research, with a background in both sport management and sports communication. He serves as an associate professor of sports media, head of the sports media program, and director of the National Sports Journalism Center at Indiana University (IU). His teaching draws upon his professional experience as a broadcaster, reporter, and media relations director to teach courses in sportscasting and play-by-play, applied uses of social media in sports communication, sports and society, and the intersection of academic theory and social media. Clavio’s research focuses on the effects of digital media on the interactions between sport entities and sports consumers. He has authored nearly 50 peer-reviewed publications, the vast majority of which focus on social media utilization of fans, teams, and individuals within the sports environment. He is the senior editor for scholarly outreach for Communication & Sport and has served as a guest editor of three separate social media–focused special issues in respected journals (International Journal of Sport Communication, 2010; Online Information Review, 2016; and Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport, 2017). A native of Indiana, Clavio graduated from IU as an undergraduate in 2001 and worked for several years in the sports media field before earning his PhD from IU in 2008.