Rebecca Cuthbert writes dark fiction and poetry. Her books include IN MEMORY OF EXOSKELETONS (poetry, Alien Buddha Press); CREEP THIS WAY: How to Become a Horror Writer with 24 Tips to Get You Ghoulding (Nonfiction, Seamus and Nunzio Productions); SELF-MADE MONSTERS (hybrid feminist horror, Alien Buddha Press); DOWN IN THE DARK DEEP WHERE THE PUDDLERS DWELL (spooky children's book, Malediction and AEA Press); and SIX O'CLOCK HOUSE & OTHER STRANGE TALES (literary horror stories/dark fiction, Watertower Hill Publishing). Her poem "Still Love" has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and a Best of the Net Award (Nocturne Magazine); her story "Grafting" was nominated for Best of the Net (Miniskirt Magazine). Other notable publications include "No Rest Nor Relief For You With Me Dead," (Shakespeare Unleashed, Monstrous Books and Crystal Lake Publishing); "The Quilting Circle of Bygone Gardens," (Soul Scream Antholozine, Seamus and Nunzio Productions); and "Falling to Pieces," (We're Here: Best Queer Speculative Fiction 2022, Neon Hemlock Press). For information, past publications, and more, visit rebeccacuthbert -dot- com.