Introverted individual that grew up loving good fantasy and magic stories. Always had I been on the receiving end of stories with dragons as antagonists or these great monsters to slay. So I decided to write a story that had one or a few as actual characters. Big fan of things like lord of the rings, starwars, star trek, how to train your dragon and so many other things its hard to list. You can find me writing, hiking, video games or board games when I find myself bored. Didn't do any of this to get rich or anything, was all on a dare from a friend close to me. Just to take the ideas I'd written down and show them to the world. With comments and praise from others I continued a story that would have remained tucked away in a journal half written. If you've purchased or read my stories I thank you. I hope that they give you any semblance of joy that they have brought into my own life.