Born in New Jersey and loved math. That's why you can see typos in my books.
I love life, people and all it brings.
I have 3 of the most amazing daughters in the world, that I haven't seen since 2013.
My first few books were on the subject of emotional child abuse and domestic violence which I did not know it existed until it happened to me and my children.
We all wake up next to someone, sometimes its and angel and sometimes it is the devil themselves.
What I did not know was just how corrupt family court, police and sheriff's departments, the division of child services and psychologists were.
I wrote these books at first to vent and let the rage out. It was swallowing me up inside. But then I realized it's not just me. Its 23 million of me. I can't sit back while all these groups murder people.
I wrote my few books to help people from the grips of parental alienation. One of the most sinister forms of domestic violence and child abuse there is.
My love is marketing and building businesses but the idea of losing your children can crush anyone at anytime.
I hope my writings help people and bring awareness to the child abusive monsters most people call judges.