Introduction to Regression Analysis and Probability : Questions and Answers made it to the Best Statistics eBooks of All Time
BookAuthority Best Statistics eBooks of All TimeI'm happy to announce that my book, "Introduction to Regression Analysis (Easy Statistics)", made it to BookAuthority's Best Statistics eBooks of All Time:
BookAuthority collects and ranks the best books in the world, and it is a great honor to get this kind of recognition. Thank you for all your support!
Easy Statistics Series is a statistics book series ,written by Anusha Illukkumbura, with lucid explanations on theories and practical solutions. Many finds these books are concise and aid immensely in their studies and exams. They can be used as a self study material and also a handbook. The statistics books written by Anusha Illukkumbura, guide the reader to gain solid knowledge on the topic.
Anusha Illukkumbura is a Msc and B.A holder in Statistics. She has 9 years of experience in Statistical Data Analysis. Anusha involves in teaching statistics for private individuals , so that she knows where students miss to concentrate on. The books are written addressing the most essential points where the students can overlook or misunderstand.
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