MELES Company

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MELES (Multimedia E-Learning Education System) is a Company that was born out of the idea that Education can be made Simple, Realistic and Practical.

Our project has been centered around teaching Mathematics, with the objective of making it easier for the modern learner by packaging it into rich E-Learning material.

Our current publication features an A-Level Pure Math course comprised of 20 chapters that have been split into 20 booklets for each chapter below:

1. Differentiation 1

2. Differentiation 2

3. Integration

4. Further differentiation

5. Algebra 1

6. Binomial theorem

7. Algebra 2

8. Series

9. Trigonometry 1

10. Trigonometry 2

11. Further Integration 1

12. Exponential and Log functions

13. Partial fractions

14. Further Integration 2

15. Coordinate geometry 1

16. Curve sketching

17. Coordinate geometry 2

18. Differential equations

19. Complex numbers

20. Vectors in 3-dimensions

The booklets are enhanced with extended explanations and side notes making it easy to TEACH YOURSELF MATHS.

Happy study!
