Theresa Sigillito Hollema


Theresa Sigillito Hollema has worked in and with global teams for over 25 years. As a cultural consultant and team facilitator, she’s helped hundreds of leaders around the world learn how to excel when working with virtual, culturally diverse teams. Previously a consultant for Trompenaars Hampden-Turner, a leading cultural consulting firm, she now leads the team at InterAct Global, a group helping organizations capitalize on cultural diversity and virtual connections. Theresa left the US for a three-month assignment 23 years ago and has lived in the Netherlands ever since. Theresa has been mentioned in the acknowledgments of a number of books. Here are a few: "Globalisation of Love" by Wendy Williams "Teaching Innovation and Leadership" by Charles Hampden-Turner "Online Meetings that Matter" by Pilar Orti "Knitting Brioche" by Nancy Marchant Also, Theresa's name was a character in the book "Treasure of Khan" by her friend Dirk Cussler. Fortunately, Theresa survived to the end.


