Muayyad Jabri

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Muayyad Jabri is an adjunct professor of Organization Studies and the Management of Change at the University of New England (UNE). He has been with the UNE since 1993. Before joining the UNE, Muayyad held teaching positions in the University of Wollongong, Australia and the Manchester Business School in the UK.

Muayyad is a thought leader in the management of change. His books have focused on management education, cross-cultural management, and the management of organizational change. His current research is in narrative agility and dialogic approaches to strategic change in organizations.

Muayyad’s recent research output has appeared in leading peer-reviewed international journals in management, including: Journal of Organizational Change Management, Journal of Management Education, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and the British Journal of Management, His publications on creativity and the development problem-solving styles of managers have been translated into Japanese, German, and Spanish.
