Judi Rever is a Montreal journalist and the author of In Praise of Blood, The Crimes of The Rwandan Patriotic Front, and its French edition Rwanda – l’Éloge du Sang. The book re-examines the dynamics of the Rwandan genocide and chronicles three decades of mass violence committed by Paul Kagame’s army. Her research is a narrative synthesis of hundreds of interviews with survivors and Kagame’s former soldiers, and is bolstered by leaked documents from the UN tribunal. Judi Rever is a graduate of Ryerson’s School of Journalism in Toronto Canada. In 1997, while working for Radio France-Internationale, she went to Congo and Rwanda to cover the humanitarian crisis after Kagame’s troops toppled longtime President Mobutu Seso. She accompanied local aid workers into the Congolese jungle to see first hand how Rwandan Hutu refugees had been hunted down by Rwandan Tutsi troops. She also interviewed Congolese civilians displaced by war. She later reported from West Africa and the Middle East for the French news agency, Agence France-Presse. She is now a freelance journalist and has published in the Globe and Mail, OpenCanada, The Mail & Guardian, Le Monde Diplomatique, Digital Journal and Foreign Policy Journal. In Praise of Blood won the Quebec Writers’ Federation Mavis Gallant award, the Huguenot Society of Canada award and was a finalist for the Hilary Weston Writers’ Trust prize for nonfiction.