Brook Chambery

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BROOK CHAMBERY holds an MBA in finance and monetary economics and has been the CEO of companies in the healthcare and information technology sectors.

He has become an author out of a desire to impart practical insights he has gained over his career regarding public policy issues that he considers of critical importance to this country, and in which he has a unique perspective to contribute. His current books deal with administrative law and healthcare policy.

The book about administrative law is titled A COURT WITHOUT JUSTICE: Administrative Law, the Constitution, and Me. It is based on a 13 year legal battle through state and federal administrative and judicial proceedings forced upon him by corrupt government officials targeting him for exercise of his first amendment rights. He uses this case to detail the breadth of the problem with this virtually unknown parallel universe of extra-legal law which ravaged his business and the lives of those connected with it. Like any successful business executive, he has had to be a risk taker and problem solver, while tenaciously striving to reach his objectives. However, nothing in the business world could compare with the effort, risk, and mental fortitude necessary to successfully deal with the catastrophic issues and legal complexities outlined in this book.

The book about healthcare policy is titled 50 YEARS OF FAILURE: American Healthcare Policy at a Crossroads. It draws on his knowledge of the industry and extensive experience as a healthcare provider, along with details from congressional reports, audits and other materials, to clarify a dysfunctional regulatory structure that few Americans understand, and which has created decades of problems. America cannot afford the status quo any longer. Our healthcare system is too expensive, unjustifiably complex, and lacking in viable options for efficient delivery of care. We have had 50 years of healthcare design by bureaucratic fiat, and it has failed. This book provides the simple solution that until now has been hidden in an aura of complexity.

