Annabeth Chatwin hit best seller lists in three countries with her debut novella "He Called Me Beautiful," a gay YA romance set in 1998. Hailed as "full of yummy pop culture references!," "He Called Me Beautiful" reaches back to Annabeth's high school years as a bisexual teenager. Her young adult fiction features LGBTQ teenagers dealing with gossip, finding themselves, and living extraordinary lives in ordinary situations. She writes characters people want to "wrap up and snuggle," often in instalove and friends-to-lovers situations. She especially loves manic pixie dream boys and the complications they bring to the real world.
Annabeth spends her spare time writing, usually curled up on the loveseat with her beloved German Shepherd (it's his seat, and he side-eyes anyone who takes it, including her husband). She is addicted to energy drinks; loves blue glitter and sloths; and when she has time, kayaks and hikes in the mountains of North Carolina.
Annabeth is always available for free mom hugs! Email her at