Tom A. Jones

Tom A. Jones profile image


At Barnes Hospital in St. Louis in 1980, Tom A. Jones was first told at age 33, that he very likely had multiple sclerosis. A few years later that diagnosis was confirmed.

However, after forty years with MS, and nearly twenty years of wheelchair use, he can look back on a fifty-year career in Christian leadership roles including leading campus ministries, almost ten years of state university teaching, editing a national campus ministry magazine, planting a church, speaking at numerous conferences, beginning a Christian publishing company, contributing to and editing numerous Christian anthologies and devotional books, and authoring or coauthoring fourteen books on Christian living and discipleship.

His view of this? "All by the grace of God who makes his power known through our weakness>"

Tom's books cover an array of topics ranging from practical guides to starting life as a Jesus follower, to a biblical plan for overcoming life's toughest challenges, to careful examinations of biblical books and crucial topics like humility, baptism, and the Kingdom of God (three volumes on this one.)

Other writers have had the greatest influence on his life? Dietrich Bonhoeffer, C. S. Lewis, Soren Kierkegaard, G.R. Beasley-Murray, and N.T. Wright.

A favorite biblical text? "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." (Hebrews 13:8).

Tom shared almost fifty-three years of marriage with his beloved wife, Sheila, who died in 2022. They were blessed with three daughters and a granddaughter.
