Terence Thornton


After graduating from university, I found myself in a situation that is likely all too familiar to the average college graduate in today's day and age, and the average American in general. I was being crushed under a mound of debt (in my case, mainly student-debt), over $100k to be exact. I knew that there was no way I could financially manage unless I figured out how to take care of the debt effectively, and the last thing I wanted was to be plagued by it for the rest of my adult life. So, immediately after finishing my formal education, I began my self-education. I don't think there is a finance book available on Amazon that I haven't read. In fact, I use many of the principles and techniques that I learned from these books to curate my own "fool-proof" method of getting out of debt that is not only extremely simple, but that can be done no matter if you have a $1000 balance on a credit card, or if you're $100k in the hole like I was. It took me a few years, but after sticking to the plan, I was not only able to get myself out of debt, but I was also able to begin making sound financial decisions, including investing; "making my money work for me." Now, my passion is helping others gain control of their debt and, ultimately, their lives while showing them that they too can create a future that is exciting and fun! My first book, "Debt-Free Living in 3 Steps," was an absolute blast to write, and though I've gotten both constructive feedback and positive reviews on it, I only look to use both the good and the critical to improve the content and delivery to you, my readers! I hope this book and every book to come helps you take back the control over your life that you truly deserve. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions or just have something nice to say! I read ALL of my emails and appreciate even those that are simply wishing me a good day. E-mail: terence@terencethornton.com


