Hi! This is A.J. Cross here. I am a forensic psychologist who graduated from the University of Birmingham with a Masters degree, closely followed by a PhD which focused on the plight of child witnesses who, at that time, were required to appear in person in our court system to give evidence against their physical and/or sexual abusers.
Following the completion of my PhD, I have worked as an independent expert to the court system, providing opinion on various adult offence behaviours, including substance abuse, physical and sexual violence and the risk of such behaviours being repeated.
I have been a fan of crime fiction since I was about ten years old. (and, if you're thinking, 'Mmm .. unusual kid.', - trust me, I get it). That early interest plus my professional forensic work led me to write my first crime novel 'Gone in Seconds' which was published in 2012 and well received. A second novel, 'Art of Deception' followed.
Since then, I have written a further five novels, all of which focus on plot intricacy, character analysis and, very relevant to me in my other work, the 'Why?' of the crimes.
Having begun with Dr Kate Hanson, forensic psychologist as my main character, later books feature Dr Will Traynor, criminologist. Both are tenacious seekers after truth and justice.
All of my books are set in and around Birmingham, my home city. It doesn't offer sea-swept coastlines or mind-blowing mountain peaks but it is blessed in other ways: more trees than people, many parks, elegant architecture from a time when my city was at the forefront of industrial development, plus newer development in keeping with it. Of more relevance for me are the people of Birmingham themselves - hardworking, generous, with a streak of humour a mile wide, all of which makes up for Spaghetti Junction - although probably not when you're lost or stuck on it!
Hanson and now Traynor invite you to join them, along with Traynor's colleagues, DCI Bernard Watts (Birmingham through and through), and PC Chloe Judd, determined to make her way whilst not allowing her youth, lack of police experience or anything else to stand in her way.
I hope you enjoy them!