Dr. Stephanie E Reid


Dive into the enigmatic world of Dr. Stephanie E. Reid: not just a Naturopath, but a magnetic maestro of mind wellness and the mastermind behind Stephanie Reid Enterprises, LLC. Boasting nearly two decades of relentless passion, Dr. Stephanie isn't just an award-nominated author and acclaimed international speaker — she's a lifeline for women navigating the tides of life post-forty. From Panic to Empowerment Books With a unique blend of spiritual, mental, and physical wellness, Dr. Stephanie's footprint stretches from the bustling heart of the DMV to the serene shores of Hawaii. But what truly sets her apart is the "UnClocking" program — a transformative Coaching Program and online course; an odyssey that marries self-discovery with cutting-edge technology, guiding women to turn life's tribulations into triumphs and purpose. Her sessions aren't merely consultations; they're transformative experiences, birthing women who are not only self-aware but also indomitable. Off the stage and out of the clinic, Dr. Stephanie is deeply woven into the tapestry of love, being a devoted wife, mother, and grandmother. Philadelphia bred her, but the world beckons her teachings — from the ancient lands of Egypt and China to the vibrant heart of Indonesia and the tranquil vibes of Honolulu, Hawaii. Engage with Dr. Stephanie and embark on a journey to live audaciously, authentically, and unapologetically. The revolution of self awaits.



