Kathleen Osborne's focus is on Sci-Fi Romance set in the present time and short stories of various genres.
She and her husband live with they're four-legged 'girls' - Sugar, Ruby, and Gigi - who run the house. Kathleen and Rober, have two children - Angella and Joseph, who have five children between them; along with several great-grandchildren .
Kathleen lives at an elevation over 6000 feet in the White Mountains of northeastern Arizona. And it has imbibed her with a desire for new recipes geared for high altitude living. She laughingly says, her characters have re-kindled her interest in baking. To quote her, "When a character does something totally out of my plan, and as I am writing, if a solution does come to me... I bake. The need for a recipe means I only have to pay attention to directions, letting my mind regroup. Then when I sit down at my computer and re-read the predicament, a solution presents itself."
In addition, she founded the group of writers called Transcendent Authors in 2020; together the ten authors have written and self published six books and have another one in the wings, Fate. It will be out on February 2025.