Chandra Crane (MA Ministry) is the Mixed Ministry Coordinator for the Multiethnic Initiatives Department of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and a member of the multiethnic Redeemer Church in Jackson, Mississippi. Growing up in a multiethnic/multicultural family in the Southwest and now happily transplanted to the Deep South, Chandra is passionate about diversity and family. She is a Regular Contributor for Dordt University’s In All Things and has written for The Witness: A Black Christian Collective and InterVarsity’s The Well. Chandra has spoken and led worship at several local and national InterVarsity conferences. She has also written for and participated in online discussions for AACC's Pax, Propel Women, and Christianity Today. She is married to Kennan, a civil engineer, and they have two spunky daughters. Chandra is a fan of hot tea, crossword puzzles, Converse shoes, and science fiction. She thoroughly enjoys reading, napping, and defying stereotypes.