Lola Sánchez Herrero is Chief Creative Officer of the internationally renowned lifestyle and art brand Oliver Gal. An acclaimed artist and successful entrepreneur, Sánchez Herrero is using her creativity, technical skill, and business savvy to revolutionize the art and home decor industry with fresh products and compelling brands. Sánchez Herrero started her career in 2006 as a designer and illustrator at AllPopArt, a customizable art company led by her sister Ana Sánchez-Gal. In 2012, Sánchez Herrero and Sánchez-Gal co-founded Oliver Gal Artist Co., where Sánchez Herrero currently leads the creative direction. The success of their leadership is apparent: Oliver Gal products have been featured in many U.S. and international publications, including Glamour, People, and Vogue. Sánchez Herrero has a Bachelor’s in business administration from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas and in luxury management and business from LUISS Business school. She is currently enrolled in a product development program at MIT Sloan and a BFA program in interior architecture and design at The Academy of Art in San Francisco. Sánchez Herrero resides in Miami, Florida.