Robert Breedlove is a Bitcoin-focused entrepreneur, writer, and philosopher. He was raised in Tennessee attending Southern Baptist Churches but spent most of his life spiritual yet agnostic. Through his explorations down the proverbial “Bitcoin rabbit hole,” Robert found himself becoming reacquainted with Christiantity at the age of 33. He was particularly inspired by Austrian economics and the teachings of Jordan Peterson, which helped him reconcile his purely objective outlook on reality with its more subjective dimensions of valuation, morality, and meaning. Robert considers himself a Freedom Maximalist and believes he has found his life’s work in the Bitcoin space as a contributor to the separation of money and state. Through his writing and media work, Robert aims to elucidate the importance of freedom and self-sovereignty across all spheres of human action. Find Robert on Twitter (@Breedlove22) where he posts about Bitcoin, macroeconomics, and philosophy.