Robin’s writing is filled with wit and laughter, his British humor enriched by adventures in Africa, Asia, Middle East and America. His African childhood led to life as an anthropologist and peacemaker: rural development and conflict transformation with UN, EU, USAID and many famous NGOs. Living dangerously, Poulton tells exciting stories like Peace is Possible, which describes disarming the Khmer Rouge in a land filled with explosives from Cambodia’s 30 years of war.
For 20 years Poulton was a popular lecturer on international affairs in Virginia. He is now a citizen diplomat for Sister Cities International, writing a monthly educational newsletter The Richmond Chiwara and the book Sister Cities (2016) about friendship with Ségou, second city of Mali. His BLOG on justice ( supports human rights and protection of women and children.
Dr Poulton is a passionate country dancer. No group has been more frustrated by Covid-19 than the dancing community. To keep up morale, Robin started a newsletter of jokes and stories and music for his friends: the hilarious Dancing Hippo. His book I Dance Therefore I Am is a collage of Scotland, Virginia and laughter. Sign up for the Dancing Hippo at