I love looking for new ways to inspire people with God's Word and that is why in 2020 I launched the “Meditate On God's Word” project. God has given gifts and talents to each of us and we are called to use them to glorify him with them. “Meditate On God's Word” has brought together the talents of several people to inspire others with God's Word while having fun searching for words. I met The Word of God in my teens, at that time I considered myself an atheist, but when I opened my heart to hear more of the Bible, these words had an effect on me that made my heart heal from the resentment that I carried inside. I gave my talent and my youth to the service of the Lord and after a year my younger brother did too. Sometime later my mother did it and then my father. The Lord with His Word began to restore our family because his Word has power. We do each book that we publish with a lot of dedication and affection, trusting that it can be edifying for the public just as making them edifies us. I hope with all my heart that the Lord brings Words of Hope and Peace to his hearts. Blessings