Hi and welcome to my author page. My name is Tiffany and I’m committed to helping people maintain their energy health by understanding how to take care of their energy anatomy.
Maybe you didn’t know that you have anatomy made up of energy? Energy medicine is a new branch of healthcare, but it’s true, nonetheless. Energy health is just as important as physical and mental health but it’s not often talked about in ways that easily fit into everyday life.
That can mean we’ve got gaps in our care that may lead to real challenges. Challenges that can’t be solved till we have more information about our energy anatomy and how to take care of it.
My vision is to bring energy medicine Information into our lives so it is understood and used with the same normalcy and value as brushing our teeth or staying hydrated.
I created an energy medicine clinic called Healing for People and it’s located in San Rafael, California. We offer individual sessions and teach classes for all ages. We see people in person and online.
We’d love to get to know you.