Dr. Mintzi Auanda Martínez-Rivera is an Assistant Professor of Anthropology in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Providence College. She has a dual PhD in Folklore and Anthropology from Indiana University-Bloomington (IUB). Her research and teaching focuses on P’urhépecha culture, indigenous youth culture, indigenous popular culture, expressive cultural practices, Critical Indigenous and Anti-Oppressive research methods, and cultural transformations. She has published on the indigenous rock movement in Mexico, on P’urhépecha vernacular cultural practices, and on conducting research in conflict zones and research methodologies. In June 2021, her co-edited volume with Dr. Solimar Otero Theorizing Folklore from the Margins: Critical and Ethnical Approaches will be published by Indiana University Press, and she is currently working on her book manuscript, tentatively titled Getting Married in Angahuan: Creating Culture, Performing Community.