Dr. Diane Hamele-Bena has been a practicing physician with multiple Board certifications and administrative leadership experience at an ivy-league academic medical institution for nearly 30 years, where she also served as Division Director. She has enjoyed international recognition, received teaching awards, and introduced progressive teaching approaches to medical students and residents.
Diane’s true passion is elder care and advocacy, which sadly was ignited during a period of abject darkness resulting from uncovering abuse of a close relative in a top-rated long-term care facility. When her relative's suffering ended, Diane made a promise to become a staunch advocate for the elderly. That advocacy is anchored in enhancing the quality of life of members of our most treasured generation, and this series of activities books was designed to do just that. Few things are more rewarding than seeing the engagement, enjoyment, and fun experienced by the seniors who use her books. Dr. Hamele-Bena hopes that you and the seniors you love experience the same reward.