Roland A Boucher

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After graduation from Yale, Mr. Boucher joined the Hughes Aircraft Company in California where he was engaged in the design of Electronics for the F-106 Fighter Interceptor Aircraft and later for satellites for communication, navigation and weather observation.

In 1972 he Conceived of a solar powered aircraft with unlimited duration and range. He created a new company funded by the Defense Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense where he developed the worlds first Solar powered Aircraft. Later Mr Boucher would return to Hughes Aircraft  to work on a number of classified projects,

In 1985 he left Aerospace to create the first successful electric powered radio controlled model car. It was to become a world wide sensation.

After retirement he turned to the study of ancient history. In 2011 he discovered that the Sumerians in the Ancient city of UR had established a system of measurement which appeared to be based on the length of a one-second pendulum.

His breakthrough Discovery was: These Ancient Civilizations used celestial objects to create standard intervals of time then used a pendulum to convert these intervals into standards of length. See How they did it.
